Sunday, August 30, 2009

Making a Facial Mask Part 1

I thought it would be fun for my customers to be able to take part in making a facial mask with me! So consider this your invitation to follow along while I make up a mask recipe, test it and tweak it to improve it. I hope that you will enjoy making a facial mask recipe with me!

The first thing I have done is to disinfect all bowls and utensils that will be used in this process. This involves rinsing clean bowls and measuring spoons, whisks, etc. with a mixture of bleach and water.  They are then rinsed well again with fresh water and dried with fresh paper towels.

All work surfaces are cleaned, then sprayed down with copious amounts of rubbing alcohol and wiped down with fresh paper towels. I have covered mine with fresh paper towels so that you can clearly see all of the various assembled ingredients. I wear non-latex gloves to keep things sanitary when preparing something for my customers.

The first things that I have put into the bowl are Rose Kaolin Clay, Moroccan Clay (also known as Rhassoul Clay) and DMAE. I am making a Firming Facial Mask, so I am going to include ingredients that have firming, soothing and skin-softening properties.

Some of the other ingredients you see next to the bowl are the the two clays and DMAE in bags, neem oil, black willowbark, essential oils, rosemary oleoresin and a paraben-free preservative. I will also be adding aloe juice, alantoin, zinc oxide and some other goodies.

I am writing down the amounts of each ingredient, so that I can easily duplicate and/or adjust the recipe as necessary.  Then, I will test it!  I love that part!  I will make sure that the mask does what it is supposed to do, feels good on the skin, smells wonderful, does not irritate the skin, is creamy and easily spreadable, etc. If anything needs tweaking, I can easily adjust accordingly by referring to my recipe.  I have other willing testers to try things out on as well. When everything seems to be just right, I will make up new labels, package it, photograph and list it.

I will post some new pictures as the recipe progresses -- stay tuned for Part 2!

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